Biochar Forum
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2New Companies Say Hello !
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2Introduction To Biochar
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0Plant Manufacturers
Manufacturers of Biochar Plants
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0CDR Sellers
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0CDR Buyers
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0Physical Biochar
All things Physical Biochar.
0Biochar Production Techniques
Batch Production, Rotary Kiln Production, Kon Tikis.... you name it.
0Certification Standards
| CSI | PURO | Isometric | VERA | Gold Standards| etc.... |
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| Any Transaction Counts |
- New Members Say Hello !In this new year, our resolution is to live in a waste free world! To do so, we need communities being brought together like on this forum along with leadership. At, we are a volunteer based NGO empowering local communities across the globe with free training and inspiration to turn their waste into resources, such as biochar. We also work with companies and producers to turn their coffee, coconut husks and rice straw into biochar, benefitting their farms. We are looking to connect with individuals and companies who are committed to turning their waste into biochar and other upcycling solutions. We will provide assistance and training for free. Feel free to reach out to us on WhatsApp +14082421241 and our email to start empowering the two billion people who live with no waste management to implement their own.
- New Companies Say Hello !B10 Char is a venture that I founded as equal partners with Phil Edmonds. The holding company is B10 Char Trading AG is incorporated in Switzerland. We are in the process of setting up a test plant facility in South Africa. The land had to be cleared of brushwork and the existing buildings had to be fully renovated. Our plant will be shipped in the next 2 weeks from China. 13 or so 40 foot containers full of stainless steel equipment to turn wood waste into biochar. Let teh journey begin. And Happy New Year 2025 to everybody.